i can see a speck of light in at the end of this dark tunnel. after recital was really quite put off from practising piano for a while... miss ching was rite. when u play badly the memory of it tends to stick around for a longer time. but now i am starting to feel like practising again... class lesson was a miracle! well, not exactly a miracle, i still slipped over the mossy stones and smooth pebbles like a clumsy elephant. but i didn't break down!!!! YES!!!! finally. even though it was more under-prepared than recital. but who cares... the feeling of success does help to propel u further. miss ching was rite again. but of cos she stressed that success only hangs around for a short time... so i better practise hard and not let a bad memory have any chance of coming near me.
class lesson was inspiring and invigorating more because of the others' performances. shawn (assuming his name is spelled this way, it's the first spelling of shawn i came across in primary school anyway) was brilliant as usual. what's new. his chopin etudes really dazzled and i think the nineteenth century audience would have been awestruck... remember, they love the visual stimulation thus the popularity of virtuoso concertos grew? and someone should have heard him play beethoven's piano sonata op.2 no.1. that's what i'd call a good enough standard to play for recital. okok, i know my beethoven op.2 no.1 recital was disastrous too, and in fact less prepared than hers, so i shall not be so mean. stressful man, he's going to play op.2 no.2 next. help!!!! hahaha miss ching was telling him, "so we'll go for all the beethoven sonatas... no.2, then u've done no.3 already..." AHHHH!!!!
bernice played mendelssohn variation sereuses (sorry for the spelling, not very sure)... WOW! great. it was so breath-taking and engaging. grace is another shawn, though she's 4 yrs older than him. she also played dazzling virtuosic pieces. can't remember the title and composer though. ben played schubert impromptu again. whew, i'm not the only one playing the same piece again... though i'm the only one playing my piece for the third time, except maybe bernice. but then i'm not so sure about that, both bernice and priscilla played mendelssohn before, dunno how many times they each played it. waiting to hear them play their duet for the concert... two pro pianists playing duet. exciting!
hmmm... enough about class lesson. now that all major distractions are over, time to get down to studying for jct. and doing the compo. submission date is second day of jct, so it means i can't do last minute work without sleeping the nite before submission liao. that means the sleepless nites will be rite now. but then, if i'm disciplined enough, there's supposed to be enough time for me to finish everything. if i'm disciplined... =P
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