woke up this morning thinking there was something wrong with my eyes. everything outside the window seemed to look blur... not the out of focus kind of blur, more of like everything was veiled in mist. except, i discovered it wasn't mist when i smelled the burnt smell... like when people burn incense during hungry ghost festival. *chokes* haha hope it'll get better soon, weather is becoming a bit cooler but there's still the haze.
little vampire was quite nice today, we actually completed 1 chapter of the science assessment! his favourite subject... cos he scored the highest for science during CA. but still fail la. and it's not the borderline fail kind, his marks are all around 25%... scary! think must be his english screwing up his science and maths... during tuition he can always tell you the correct answers for science. but of cos they need major rephrasing. like today, "Why do some animals lay up to thousands of eggs?" and he says, "because when the fish eat, then got one more. when the fish eat, got one more. fish eat, one more." i wonder how lenient his teachers are with his weird sentences in science? during tuition i'm there to help him with reading the question and spelling words for the long answers... during CA maybe he doesn't understand some questions, and his script is probably full of wrongly-spelt words. words he can't spell includes simple things like, "head", "fins" etc. we did two simple pages of english... when he argued that the dining room has no door so it's not a room, can only be called "dining". hahahaha :D
going to sleep. tmr shall be the practising day, since it's holiday (wouldn't have realised it if nobody mentioned it! haha that's the side-effect of not working) and so everyone will be home, and so there won't be any computer available for my entertainment purposes.
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