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Sunday, March 13, 2005
outing with melissa
went out to meet melissa this afternoon after lots of pursuasion on her part. haha she sure is pursuasive man. i actually wanted to go out early in the morning to hmv, grab a cd and reach home just on time for lunch. haha but by the time i woke up late and finished breakfast i decided to go on monday instead. bleargh i just love to procrastinate! so melissa managed to convince me that i should head down to towers for my cd and then i could "wander aimlessly" with her whilst her father was at the computer fair.

we decided to meet at esplanade cos i wanted to find a book on french overtures... argh! there were none in esplanade! after esplanade, we headed towards suntec. the staircase up to the escalator of the suntec overhead bridge was super crowded and the up-escalators were all not working. in suntec, one narrow corridoor was swarming with pple and it seemed like eternity before we managed to squeeze through the crowd.

the outing was still going fine... until i got my cd. okay, so what are two not-so-opinionated pple supposed to do to kill time? we ended up really walking aimlessly around suntec. when we decided to head back to "the other side of suntec"... yes, the filled corridoor is the divide between the two sides... we tried other routes and ended up in some deserted corner of suntec with one security personnel behind a counter. that was when i realised someone was following behind us. when we took the escalator down from that ulu place, the grey-shirted man stood on the step directly behind melissa though there were no one else on the escalator except us. i tot maybe he was in a rush and wanted to walk down but he didn't say excuse me or make any signal. ok, so maybe i was paranoid. then... my phone rang just when we were about to plunge into that mad corridoor... i decided to stop for a moment and the grey man stopped too and stood immediately beside melissa. i typed a msg in my phone to tell her, and when she turned around he quickly walked away. and after that we decided not to join the crowd with that weirdo behind us... and took a route outside the building instead.
hermit came out of her refuge @ 11:15 pm


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