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Tuesday, March 08, 2005
date with a vampire
i was expecting to return from a tiring date with my little vampire this evening, but it turned out the other way! seems like tuition on mondays is a good thing... maybe it's the beginning of week so he's more attentive, or it just happens that he decided to be good for one day. well, we shall see what happens next monday. at first when serene asked to change tuition days to mon and wed i was a bit reluctant cos wed would be the super bad day... piano and tuition on the same day is a terrible combination. that's not to say i dun like piano lessons, just that i keep messing up and after being demoralised i dun want to face that little terror in the evening too. then i thought it wasn't a bad idea cos tuesday nights free would mean more time to practise... and hopefully one day they finally help me not to mess up.

hmmm today the vampire was so cute and sweet. he actually wanted to do his science assessment! and instead of asking me how to do, he flipped open his textbook to search for the answer... and even more suprisingly, he wrote neatly! ok, not exactly neatly... but compared to the past few weeks of illegible scribbles or even squiggly lines meant to take the place of words that he's too lazy to write, it's neat enough. i was glad to let him read his chinese textbook instead of doing chinese assessment, which he hates, since it was better than if he just sat there stoning with the assessment in front of him like some weeks ago. and he was very interested in a science magazine which i had to read for him because of his poor english. i suppose the magazine is targeted more at upper primary students but for pri 3 students who are not bad at english, it shouldn't be that hard to understand. it was only because of his fear of long paragraphs with lots of words and especially relatively small fonts... he only reads things in large print or with illustrations, like the little cartoon characters' speech bubbles at the sides of the magazine.

i ended at about the same time as his brother's tuition teacher and we were in the same lift when she told me the brother had failed 3 of his subjects for his CA. i wasn't that surprised cos my own vampire failed all his subjects for last year's end-of-year exam. ok, abit unfair of me to judge them equally just because they are brothers, but both just seem equally naughty to me. and we ended up complaining about how they always write random answers when we give them homework. i had always thought that the brother was not as hyperactive as him, but she was especially frustrated about how the brother always walks about the room and looks out of the window etc. for me, i'd rather he keeps fidgeting in his chair than falling asleep... like last thurs! that was the ultimate man, i couldn't stand it. if he really fell asleep i can understand... and ask him to wash his face (hahaha ;) i'm a sleeper too!) but he was just pretending to be asleep... when i tried to wake him and pull him out of his chair to the kitchen, he was resisting with all his strength. a sleeping person would have jerked awake, even though i tried to use minimal force in case he fell out of his chair! sigh... hope every tuition session will be like tonights'.
hermit came out of her refuge @ 12:00 am


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