learning journey was so boring! wat's so fun about visiting high court? it's not as if we were allowed to watch a trial or sth. at least going for band would have been more productive.
recital's coming soon... since monday is not available and assuming the teachers will want it as soon as possible, it should be on tuesday. i'm not really sure whether i'm underpractising or overpractising... my beethoven is deproving at an alarming rate! but sculthorpe has improved and ravel is much better than on thurs. haha luckily i decided not to play it for my teacher on thurs... i'll be found guilty if she gets a heart attack hearing me play like that. =P
38 more hrs to the end of MCT! but that also means i only have 38 more hrs to do my compos and harmony. still can't stand my compo... it sounds super horribly terrible. er ok, yes i know there's no such expression... better start doing something to my compo now...
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